Informed consent is the process of learning key facts about a clinical trial before you decide whether or not to participate. These facts include:
- Why the research is being done ?
- What do the researchers want to accomplish ?
- What will be done during the trial and for how long ?
- What risks are involved in the trial ?
- What benefits can be expected from the trial ?
- What other treatments are available ?
Please keep in mind that you have the right to leave any clinical research trial at any time.
Joining a clinical trial is an important decision; we invite you to ask our research team any question(s) you may have about the study as well as the consent forms. If you are considering joining a clinical trial, our staff will provide informed consent documents that include details about the study. If you choose, you may take the consent documents home and discuss them with family members or friends. Talking about your options can help you to feel comfortable with your decision. If you decide to join the clinical trial, you will be provide a copy of the informed consent documents so you can review them at anytime.
Remember…informed consent is more than signing a form. It is a process that continues through the study. You should feel free to ask the research team questions before, during and after the study.