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Sunil Swami: Congratulations on Upcoming Harvard Fellowship!

Warm congratulations to Sunil Swami for successfullty defending his dissertation Anticholinergic Medication Use and Risk of Cognitive Impairment and Dementia in Older Adults With Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease under Dr. Todd Manini’s mentorship. Dr. Swami will occupy a Fellowhip position at Harvard Medical School. Well done, Sunil!…

Dr. Buford Honored by Anderson Scholar Award Recipient

Congratulations to Dr. Buford, for being identified as a faculty honoree by one of this year’s Anderson Scholar Award recipients! The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences awards Anderson Scholar Certificates of Distinction, High Distinction, and Highest Distinction to those students who have maintained a full, uninterrupted course load and at…

Dr. Ebner Selected as 2014 Recipient of LIFE Outstanding Alumni Award

        Natalie Ebner, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Affiliate Faculty in Aging and Geriatric Research, has been named the recipient of the 2014 International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE) Outstanding Alumni Award. LIFE is a joint international PhD…

Dr. Shinichi Someya: Exemplary Teacher Recognition

        Congratulations to Dr. Shinichi Someya, who has been recognized as an Exemplary Teacher for the 2013-2014 Academic Year, for making outstanding contributions toward creating a dynamic and innovative learning environment for our students!…

Welcome to Dr. Jacobo Hincapie Echeverri

        We extend a hearty welcome to the Division of Geriatric Medicine of a new full time faculty member, Jacobo Hincapie Echeverri, M.D., who is joining us as Clinical Assistant Professor. Dr. Hincapie comes to the University of Florida from Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts…

Tenure and Promotion News

Dr. Stephen Anton and Dr. Todd Manini were promoted to the Associate Professor rank and were awarded tenure. Both Dr. Anton and Dr. Manini have a remarkable academic career, in which they  excel in all aspects of research, teaching and service activities. Congratulations on the well…

Spotlight on Aging Research

The 5th Annual Spotlight on Aging Research: poster presentations and special remarks took place in the Clinical and Translational Research Building on June 4th.

College of Medicine Research Day

During the Research Day event, the IOA Graduate Students Amal Wanigatunga, Christy Karabetian and Sunil Swami have elicited the attendees’  interest with their poster presentations.